Great Links
These are links to sites that can help you. Please check them out if you would like further information or help. [And just so you know, I do not profit by referring you to these sites or stores. I refer you because, in my opinion, they’re the best, and they’re ‘clear’ of energies and entities that would manipulate you.]
*The Padre Pio Center for Deliverance Counseling
*Bishop James Long has a wonderful Demonology Course online for those of you who wish to study and learn more about demonology from a true Catholic Priest who has performed many exorcisms. I’ve heard high reviews of his class. He is currently the Archbishop for the United States Old Catholic Church.
* is the first of its kind, web-based service that helps you find out if anyone has died at any valid US address. Two USN Vets began this company after they retired from the military. Great idea guys!! I think this is ‘need-to-know’ information, and in fact, my husband and I used this site to investigate a home before we bought it. I ‘had a feeling’ about a house we wanted to buy as part of me seemed ‘driven’ (oddly enough) about buying it, even though it really wasn’t fitting our needs very well. My mind felt as though it was being influenced outside my will, so I emailed Roy Condrey, one of the terrific owners of who I’ve known for many years. He checked out our address. Sure enough, two people had died IN the house itself. The place has not sold, and even today, it’s still on the market. I mention this because it just goes to show you that anyone, yes, even me, can be influenced by entities projecting thoughts into your mind. You really have to know yourself well and keep your guard up.
*Stefanie Paige-Belson is a highly intuitive ‘integrated Spiritual and holistic healer’ consultant that works over the phone. She’s one of my personal team members and I recommend her highly.
*Shatter the – Russ Dizdar One of the leading ministers helping to free those who are bound into Satanism or are victims of Satanic crimes. Incredibly knowledgeable and truly street savvy.
*For the best natural crystals and stones you can find for energy work or other needs, please visit Mike Eggleston’s sites for Innervision Crystals. I have been buying from him for many years and his crystals are incredible, clear of negative energies and very reasonably priced. He’s a very honest dealer you can call and talk to about your needs as well as a truly nice spiritual person. I highly recommend his stores online and on eBay.
*Taos Herb Company A wonderful and positive energy store where you can purchase all the sage, incense, smudge sticks and cleansing tools you need for natural methods of cleansing negative energies. Incredible staff of friendly and helpful people and prices that are really affordable including the shipping. I always purchase my frankincense from them as well as sage, cedar, juniper, etc. They also support many Native American small businesses as well.
Recommended Reading List:
These particular books are not listed on Great Books page, although some of the authors are.
Fr. (Padre) Gabrielle Amorth:
An Exorcist Explains the Demonic: The Antics of Satan and His Army of Fallen Angels (new book)
Memoirs of an Exorcist: My Life Fighting Satan
Memorias de un Exorcista
Libranos Del Mal: Oraciones De Liberacion y Sanacion
Mas fuertes que el mal
Rev. Derek Prince:
They Shall Expel Demons: What you need to know about demons
Breaking Down Strongholds
Rev. Joseph Prince:
Spiritual Warfare
John Ramirez-Evangelist
Out of the Devil’s Caldron: A Journey from Darkness to Light
Fuera del Caldero del Diablo (Spanish Edition)
Unmasking the Devil
BioGeometry: the science of harmonizing and their products.
BioGeometry was founded by Egyptian Architect and Scientist Dr. Ibrahim Karim (D.Sc./Dipl.Arch.-ETH, Zurich) after more than 30 years of research. Dr. Karim’s breakthrough research identified a unique energy effect found in the energetic centers of all living systems. The natural function of this energy effect is to provide balance, or “centering,” to the different energy-qualities or effects within any living system. This one centering energy effect is detected through three specific energy-qualities that it manifests, and has been termed “BG3.” This BG3 energy – quality is responsible for maintaining the energy structures of all living systems, including the balance of the different energy-qualities involved. BioGeometry uses proprietary shapes, which interact with the peripheral energy fields of the body, to amplify the resonance of this highly beneficial BG3 energy – quality for general energy-quality balance, as well as to harmonize energy interactions with the environment. and
The Book of Stones, by Robert Simmons and Naisha Ahsian
$$ The best-selling guide to some of Earth’s most beautiful natural objects. I chose this book because you will learn things in this book that I have not seen in any other. The crystalline structure of the human body, etc. and how natural stones work in ways other than healing the body. You will find this book very efficacious in your study of using them for healing the earth, grids, balance and reharmonizing that which has fallen out of sync. If you plan to study this seriously, buy the paperback, not the kindle edition. You’ll find yourself paging forwards and backwards making notes just to handle one situation, so you’ll definitely want the book itself.
Water, The Great Mystery
A YouTube presentation of an incredible documentary about water. The crystalline structure and how it is affected by emotions, thoughts, voice, and the most incredible thing of all is how the crystalline structure changes when blessed by a Catholic Priest and is turned into Holy Water. You’ll never wonder again why holy water is so effective against evil. This is the only online presentation of this DVD now available. There is only one listing for the actual DVD on Amazon and valued at over $200+ dollars. So watch this one while you can.
Check back often. I’ll be adding to this list. I just updated this website and have many more listings to add.